A review by laurenjodi
Angel by Janie Crouch


4 Stars

Gabriel Collingwood will do anything to protect his sister and that includes running off the ex-con who has attached herself to Violet. But not even his Navy SEAL training can prepare Gabriel for the intense attraction he feels for Jordan Reiss, the town outcast, who is determined to make amends even for crimes of which she is blameless. Can Gabriel get past his preconceived notions to accept Jordan and will she let him past her defenses?

Jordan is another of Crouch's damaged yet exceedingly sympathetic heroines. Similar to Anne and Charlie in the first two books, Jordan's past consists of one tragedy after another, and it is clear that she deserves her happily ever after. Her opposites-attract romance with Gabe is delightful, and it is fun to see him lose control and give in to his desire for Jordan. Although he is often overly judgmental and quick to lash out when angry, it is clear that he loves Jordan, and their chemistry is incredible.

Unlike the previous books, the suspense plot comes in toward the end with the
Spoilerreappearance of Jordan's con-artist father
. While this twist is not completely unexpected, it is interesting to see how it plays out and the way in which Jordan and Gabriel handle the situation.

My one minor nitpick is that the town's despicable actions toward Jordan are glossed over too easily at the end, and the resolution of this subplot is a little too saccharine for my tastes. There are several characters who get off far too easily for their behavior toward her.

All in all, an excellent addition to what is rapidly becoming a favorite series.