A review by bethfishreads
Unstoppable Us, Volume 1: How Humans Took Over the World by Yuval Noah Harari


Excellent and accessible look at how and why humans became the dominant species of our world.

Note that I have a PhD in physical (biological) anthropology, which may affect my take on this book.

This mix of anthropology/archaeology and sociology is geared to middle grade readers, but readers of any age will get a lot out of this book. The engaging text and good illustrations explain how Homo sapiens migrated from Africa to settle in almost every corner of the earth.

Harari presents complex ideas in an easy-to-grasp (and not dumbed-down) manner. We learn about the importance of cooperation, imagination, tools, fire, and social structures. We learn about the power of stories--such as religion, laws, and money. And we also learn about how humans have been responsible for the extinction of animals throughout our history.

Within the text, Harari interjects questions to help us relate to the presented concepts and understand our connections to our ancient ancestors. In addition, he is careful to point out what we know as scientific fact (for example, through DNA analysis) and what we can only guess at (such as the interpretation of cave art).

The book concludes with ways we (and kids) can make a difference in the world today, especially protecting animals from extinction.

This is the first in a series, and I'm looking forward to reading and learning more. (This book is in my personal library.)