A review by gmzzn
Protecting the Lady by Amanda Radley


(I got a free eARC of this book via Netgalley!)

Protecting the Lady is a very enjoyable book. It's got some nice, light romance that didn't feel rushed at all, despite not being very long, and Katherine and Eve both felt like real people. It took me a while to get through it mostly because of my own reading block, but when I got into it for real I couldn't stop, since the scenes all fit and flow together very well.

The book is very light and nice, and we get a lot of slow scenes with the protagonists talking and getting to know each other better while stuck inside for safety reasons. There was no real sense of danger, in my opinion, but at least there was enough romance to make up for that, and I loved how no one came up with issues to get between them.

Also maybe Katherine doesn't like the whole having a hot bodyguard thing but I sure wouldn't mind in her place lol Eve is a great character and Katherine grew on me the more I read, despite the fact that I could not see her as an older woman after she kept complaining for the whole first half of the book about being kept safe and not taking the threat on her life seriously.

3.5 stars rounded up.