A review by uniquelykmee
Youth by Curt Pires


I picked this up randomly because I really wanted a quick read to get me out of my reading slump and I dont regret this at all. First off Alex Diotto is a great artist and brought the words to life. The story was shorter than I anticipated, I liked the LGBTQ+ points but I felt as if it was pushed to the background of the story, if you eliminated that factor it did not change the out come of the story. I guess what I'm saying is I thought the mention of sexuality would influence or shape the direction of the story more, and to me it didn't. Maybe because this was the first issue that I read in the series, but it was okay.

There is no gradual build up in this story, its essentially goes to SugarHoneyIceTea fairly quickly, its so chaotic and confusing but in a good way. So kids from different backgrounds, with different types of trauma gaining super powers was already a scary cocktail I wouldn't want to drink. Somehow, I find myself wanting to know what happens next so I will be picking up more issues soon