A review by katiemayveil
To Die To Sleep by Stephanie Black


Natalie is long overdue for a relaxing vacation after the trying year she's had. She decides to reconnect with a cousin she hasn't seen in 20 years at Ellsburg Keep where Lily works as a nurse. Ellsburg Keep is a remote mountain resort that boasts beautiful views, hiking, lakes, and more. On her way there, Natalie stops to help a driver on the side of the road and ends up getting hurt after her car is hit and pushes her down the side of the road. Her vacation starts out in the infirmary at Ellsburg Keep and only gets more interesting after Henry Ellsburg, the current head of the family, is brought to the infirmary and passes away the same night.
Natalie and Lily are on a mission to discover what really happened and along the way encounter ghost stories, missing doctors, and possibly hereditary mental illness.
Rife with bruises, adventure, gut instinct, and concern for others this is a gripping tale of mystery.
Appropriate for 16 and older. A very fun and engaging read.