A review by sandraagee
Illusions by Aprilynne Pike


3.5 stars, rounded up. The romantic angst dominates this story far more than it did in [b:Wings|5056084|Wings (Wings, #1)|Aprilynne Pike|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1275773575s/5056084.jpg|5122699] and [b:Spells|6801582|Spells (Wings, #2)|Aprilynne Pike|http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51dWyNo-EqL._SL75_.jpg|7008092] as poor Laurel can't seem to make up her mind. But considering that half the book is narrated from Tamani's perspective (amongst other clues), I can't help but feel like we're starting to head in that direction. Too bad, as I was definitely leaning Team David. *sigh*

Otherwise, not a ton going on in this book as we transition into the final conflict sure to come in the next (and final) book. But still, if there's one thing that author Aprilynne Pike does very well it's writing conclusions that make you very eager to find out what comes next. This proved true again as the intrigue surrounding newcomer Yuki finally got interesting in the last few pages of this book. I am confident that the final installment will build on her story and bring the series to a satisfying conclusion.