A review by gabs_myfullbookshelf
The Ring of Rocamadour by Michael D. Beil


This is a laugh out loud mystery which had me giggling from the very beginning! Even the chapters have hilarious names.

I hadn't really read an honest-to-goodness mystery in a while, so I checked this book out at my library after Goodreads recommended it to me. I started reading it and I was hooked. The narrator, Sophie, is extremely funny. So is Mr. Eliot. He made a comment about 'Randy Bob Shakespeare' that had me snorting in laughter. All the girls have their own unique talents, as well as their own unique flaws, and all of them are easy to relate to. The teachers are actually pretty cool in this story as well. I wish some of my seventh grade teachers had been as nice as this. And any story that can successfully integrate the pythagoream theorem into juvenile fiction is a winner in my book.

The plot was not as predictable as it may seem at first. I could see a few people guessing it, but in a lot of mysteries, the ending of the story is so obvious that a two year old could figure out the ending. It wasn't like that in here.

So, all in all, it was a fun mystery that had me turning page after page. It's a great mystery for kids and teens.

This review can be found on http://myfullbookshelfreviews.blogspot.com/