A review by twentycharm
Faking with Benefits by Lily Gold


I will be very real and admit that I picked this up on a whim, solely because of @iamamoodreader’s Instagram reel, but I am VERY happy to announce that this is now one of my all-time favourites.

Unknowingly, I devoured this 560-page novel within a few days (even worse so–during my exam season!) and I have no regrets, sorry. This steamy friends-to-lovers romance has shown me a whole new perspective of this trope, and I can now safely say I understand the hype. Honestly, who can resist close, trusting bonds and relationships…especially with three men that hot?

But on a more serious note, this book–and its characters–are more than meets the eye. Beneath the spice and glamour of this setup are four main characters who each have distinct personalities, and, not to mention, complement each other so well.

The following quote aptly summarises it:

“Everybody has their own issues and baggage and hangups, and there are so many ways we sabotage ourselves from finding love, even if we don’t realise it. But it really is possible for everyone to find their person. Or people.”

Thank you again to Lily Gold for writing a true #feminist story; we love to see women getting what they want! And of course, I am also grateful for the beautiful yet heart-wrenching character backstories woven together with smooth, refreshing writing. I adore this book and everything it stands for, and have a pocket in my heart reserved specially for Layla, Josh, Zack, and Luke.

S/n: I took a quick glance at Gold's other novels and was so happy to find out they are all polyamorous romances because God knows this one has awakened something in me. Not to mention they all have such different settings and characters; we love an author with range. Based on the synopses, I am most excited for [b:Nanny for the Neighbors|61943802|Nanny for the Neighbors|Lily Gold|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1660302256l/61943802._SY75_.jpg|91391103], and also look forward to obtaining a physical copy of Faking with Benefits to reread and annotate. <3