A review by a_novel_ty
Hater by David Moody


Actual Rating: 3.5 stars

Booktube-A-Thon Challenge: Read a book with red on the cover.

People are losing it. One minute they're perfectly fine, going on about their day the way they usually do, and the next they're overcome with this overwhelming sense of fear of the people around them. Everyone is out the get them...everyone wants to harm them and they have to strike first before its too late. They have to kill or be killed. No one knows why this is happening and no one understands why certain people are changing and others aren't. All anyone knows is that the world is breaking down and anyone can be a victim...But whats more frightening than that...is that anyone can also be a "Hater."

This book definitely wasn't what I was expecting. I remember when I first started really reading, which was in high school...I saw this book and read the synopsis and wanted to read it, but I never got around to it and then I completely forgot about it.

I'm glad I forgot about it...because while I did enjoy it, I don't think I would have at 16. Instead of three and a half stars...it would probably be getting one star, or I might not have finished it at all.

Anyway....this is a VERY unique take on the whole zombie apocalypse story. Going into it I thought it was just going to be another zombie story and how the rest of the population dealt with it...But David Moody threw a little wrench in the mold. And I have to admit...I don't know how I feel about it!

Its crazy really. To be on the other side of things. I'm used to reading these types of books and seeing everything from the perspective of the people who are still sane and who aren't infected by whatever virus or affliction that the others are. I'm used to reading these books and being scared right along with everyone else, worrying about how to survive and how to stay away from the people who are causing the chaos and mayhem.

This book lets you see the world from the other side of things. From the side that's doing the killing and causing the mayhem and I have to say...its creepy as hell! But interesting and captivating at the same time. This isn't my favorite apocalyptic dystopian type book by a long shot, but its definitely the most unique and I'm definitely interested in seeing where it goes and what happens in the next two books.

One thing in this book that does use the same formula as other books of this genre is the fact that the government as always, knows what is going on and may very well be the cause of whats happening...but of course they refuse to take responsibility and instead go to drastic measures to try and cover up their mistakes.

I think one of the main reasons I didn't enjoy this book as much as I would have liked is because I didn't like the main character or any of the characters for that matter.

Danny, the main protagonist is a lazy douche who yells at his children and tells them constantly to shut up. I don't like that...if your kids are misbehaving, put them in a corner, take away their toys, put them on punishment...SOMETHING! I will admit, his children were disrespectful and just bad kids..but who's fault is that. He shouldn't have let them get to that point in the first place, and then when they do, all he can muster up the energy to do is to tell them to shut up or make them feel stupid. I'm not saying he has to be the perfect father, but don't have children if you aren't ready to raise them.

It didn't take me very long to finish this book...maybe a total of seven hours so its not a hard book to read. Definitely dark though.