A review by avoraciousreader68
Dark Wolf by Kate Douglas


Sebastian Xenakis is a powerful wizard with the ability to shapeshift. Lily Cheval is Chanku, a shapeshifter who favors the wolf form. Lily and Sebastian meet at a function at the Museum of Modern Art. They have an instant connection, but something is wrong and neither Sebastian nor Lily knows what’s going on. When young women are being raped and murdered, Lily suspects Sebastian, Sebastian suspects his father and the public suspect the Chanku. Who is really responsible?

Having never read the first Wolf Tale series I had no knowledge of the characters in this book or of the Chanku world. That wouldn’t bother most people, but for me it was a bit like torture, so now I’m on a quest to find all of the Wolf Tales stories, so I can read for myself the backgrounds on how all of these couples came to be, well, couples.

The plot flows quickly and the world and characters interesting. The writing was decent, but there was a bit too much repetition. I got a little tired of hearing how Alex and Lily weren’t meant to be mates. It was discussed ad nauseum. I got it the first time. The characters wouldn’t shut up, either out loud or in their head, about how much they loved each other and how devoted they’d be to each other. I grasped it the first time it was mentioned and it was tiresome after the third or fourth time.

Ok, having said that, I did actually enjoy the story. And can I say how much I loved the sex scenes? Smoking hot! *fans self* I’m off to find those Wolf Tales stories now. I have this need to see if they’re all as hot.

*Book source ~ Many thanks to Kensington and NetGalley for providing me with a review copy. Please see disclaimer page on my blog.