A review by amandamant
Sharing Noelle by Margot Scott


I am a huge fan of Margot Scott and I swear she just gets better!!! Her stories are short and sexy, but they are never too short or too sexy to tell the whole story. Meaning - in a book that took about two hours to read, I never felt rushed. Everything happened at an understandable pace. The language and writing style are descriptive, but not overly flowery. It’s a easy read, but the imagery is distinct. These characters are fully fleshed out. There are secondary characters and story lines that make the story easier to understand given its taboo nature.

Now, about the taboo issue. I’ll be honest...beyond the simple fact that these men are related it really didn’t feel taboo to me. I know that sounds a bit nuts, but hear me out. These characters were fully aware of the implications of what was happening and they were completely honest with themselves and each other. The only ‘shaming’ that existed was by the newly married parents. The actual MCs were fully driven by emotions. Even when [******minor spoiler from early on in the book*******] Sawyer got overwhelmed by it at one point. He left the room and allowed himself to truly think things through. Noelle and Colton supported that. [*******minor spoiler over******] You see, they’re cognizant of the implications of their choices and choosing to accept it as beautiful without letting any shame into the situation. Sure, Sawyer calls her ‘little sister’ knowing that it’s taboo, but never thinking it’s shameful. Honestly, I almost missed the taboo aspect at times and felt it could be played up a bit more. But I have mad respect for Ms. Scott for using a taboo and making it beautiful.

The steam factor is lovely, but like Blood and Wine before this, I actual felt like it was not as naughty as her earlier works. I’m thinking that may be on purpose. Particularly considering how many reviewers have mentioned how naughty it is.