A review by islandgeekgirl
The Midnights by Sarah Nicole Smetana


I was definitely expecting to lose myself in this book when I first started it and there were many times I did find myself getting completely absorbed into the story. There were also times where I was taken out of it and it took a while to lose myself again. There were a lot of different themes and different bonds, and I really liked seeing how the author explored each one and how she used them within each other. There was the family bond, the bonds of friendship, but there was also the bond Susannah and her father both had with music. Any time Susannah was talking, playing, writing music, I was completely hooked.

Susannah was an interesting character. All she wanted was to make music, to write that great song that would show her father she was worth his attention. It was definitely understandable that she would want answers after his death, and that she would be curious about his old band mates that she never met. Her plot explored her grief for her father, learning more about her parents' past, and discovering who she wanted to be as a person. Who she was musically and who she was offstage.

The supporting cast we got to see was great. I really liked her mother and her grandmother, along with the new friends she made at her new school. I do wish we'd gotten to see more from the band members of the group she joined. Most of them had a bit of a "only there because they need band members" feel to them and I can barely remember the names. I know Susannah interacted with all of them but not all of them were memorable. From what there was, I would definitely read a spin-off focused on the band's exploits.

Overall, I thought it was a very good read, easy to finish off in a night but also just as easy to want to take your time and savour it. I can't wait to see what the author comes out with next.

*I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.