A review by mothmans_mum
Turbulence by Samit Basu


This book was really awesome. It's everything I wanted from a novel about superheroes. Whenever people try to give more depth to the superhero genre, they try two things: first, make it really realistic and have the characters immediately realize that super heroics just doesn't work in the real world, they get severely injured, sad, and basically give up, a la Kick-Ass; and second they make it ridiculously dark and gritty with lots of "mature" content like rape and murder, a la The Boys.

This novel shows how it's difficult, but maybe not impossible, to make a difference with superpowers. The characters constantly debate the merits of using their powers to change the world for the better, and despite many, many setbacks, keep on trying. This novel doesn't shy away from trying to use powers to combat real world systematic injustices, and for that I give it so much credit.

Plus, the characters are all Indian and (Pakistani-British) and it's really a nice change to have a superhero group with no pasty white guys in it!