A review by meisbooknook
Don't Say a Word by Amber Lynn Natusch


If the last book threw me across the room, this one THREW ME INTO MY NEIGHBOR'S YARD. When I thought it couldn't get any better - it did!

After the events of the last book, we see Ky evolve from an impulsive teenage detective to cautious young woman (for the most part). Now that she sees the consequences that her actions could cause, she starts to withdraw & keep more and more secrets to herself. She does find help in the form of an FBI agent (and possible love interest) - but the burden on her soul is strong in this installment. All the odds were stacked against her, but she persevered to help others.

Once again, this book was a perfect balance between action-packed, suspenseful scenes & Ky's school-life / off-the-book detective work.

I loved the development we got from old & new flames - without the romance overpowering everything else in Ky's life. A lot of the concerns I had from the last book were addressed, and I am satisfied with the way it played out. It is clear that both love interests respect her as a person, and give her space whenever she needs it. I won't tell you all who I'm rooting for but I can't wait to see what further developments are made!

Most of the loose ends from the last book were tied up, but this book brought more questions that need answers. I cannot wait to see where Ky's story takes me next!