A review by ablotial
A Little Something Different: Fourteen Viewpoints, One Love Story by Sandy Hall


This book was a little scattered, but it was cute. I usually like books with different perspectives, but this thing is worse than [b:A Game of Thrones|13496|A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire, #1)|George R.R. Martin|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1436732693s/13496.jpg|1466917]! It changes point of view every page and a half! There are something like 14 characters, including a bench and a squirrel. These two in particular bothered me -- the squirrel cannot understand English, but the bench can? This does not make sense. And neither really added to the story. She mentioned in the interview questions at the end that her editor had even made her remove a bunch of characters... I think she just left the squirrel and bench to be "cute" and "different". Eh.

But the story itself isn't bad if you can get past the rapid fire characters. It's a cute love story, except I feel like it would be better as a middle school story instead of college age kids. These kids have SERIOUS communication issues, they make a lot of assumptions about each other and only finally are honest with each other when it seems there is no other choice. And do teachers and baristas really get so involved in the lives of their students or customers?

It's funny--seems like all I've done is complain in this review, but I give three stars. I still smile when I think of this book. It was charming, and I liked Gabe.