A review by mrsbooknerd
Little Secrets by Jennifer Hillier


I have a young son and losing him is my absolute biggest fear. My heart properly stopped while I was reading the early pages of this novel and I felt Marin's pain, grief and desperation throughout. I cannot imagine being in that position. I do not want to imagine it.
Reading about Marin's horrendous 16 months, and also (though to a lesser extent) Derek's reaction and subsequent actions were so intriguing and compelling. As crazy as it sounds, I loved reading about their struggle.

The twist genuinely took me by surprise which hasn't happened in a while. I don't know if it is because the affair was so much at the forefront that I wasn't focusing on the abduction, but I didn't even consider it. Though I suspected other links and connections I certainly didnt get it all.

I can't give it a full 5 stars because I felt that the pacing dipped in the middle. The tension and emotion was in the abduction plot for me, and yet this was actually a very small part of the overall plot. The main plot was the affair and this lacked pacing, it turned into Kenzie whining and moping and I didn't want to know. Kenzie was not the relatable narrator, Marin was. I'd rather have spent the page time developing Marin than having to read pages and pages about Kenzie's insta posts. Of which there were many.

Derek was a shit. Marin should have upped and left him the first time let alone this time. There is no excuse for cheating, it bugged me that Marin didn't leave him and went to more desperate measures against Kenzie rather than Derek but at the same time, part of me understood why she wouldn't and felt that she couldn't.

To me, both Derek and Kenzie were irredeemable. They were bad people, just genuinely bad people and it bugged me that they got fairly happy endings. But hey ho. Life is largely unfair.

I read this book so quickly, with my heart in my throat at the start and towards the end, and while the pacing and focus seemed to lose momentum in the middle, there was no way that I was going to stop. Definitely a good read.