A review by tiffanyxcc
Embrace the Night by Karen Chance


Embrace the night is the third book in Karen Chance’s Cassie Palmer series.
Cassie is now Pythia whether she likes it or not. It seems most members of the supernatural community, aside from the vampires, are completely against her. But Cassie brushes all that to the side while she busily searches for the Codex. The only book that contains the counterspell to breakd the geis Mircea had placed on her when she was a child. A geis that is infamous for going awry, and has lived up to expectation. Leaving Mircea’s life hanging in the balance when the Consul, the head of the North American Vampire Senate, needs him the most. And she is not happy about it. Adding more fuel to the fire in Cassie’s desparation to removed the geis for good.
I don’t want to say too much about this book, for risk of spoiling it for any readers. There are many surprises in this book. Characters become more developed, and betrayals that leave their mark. A great addition to the series.

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