A review by alykat_reads
Bittersweet by Sarah Ockler


3.5 stars rounded up.
As a YA novel, I think the characters acted how teenagers act. Hudson did grow throughout the novel and I did like that, as that is what is supposed to happen throughout the teenage years.
Hiding for spoilers just in case.
SpoilerHowever, I don't understand some of the reviews here. Hudson had so much thrown onto her plate because everyone wanted something from her, but then when she wants to do one thing for herself everyone calls her selfish or guilt trips her to make her feel bad for doing anything for herself...?
Dani wasn't a great friend as much as Hudson wasn't a great friend but yet people are saying how great of a friend Dani was..? She seemed really great in the beginning, but then she started ignoring Hudson because Hudson missed one "girl's night" even though Dani hung out with a boy instead - and then just pretended to never see or hear Hudson when she tried to reach out. This is typical of teenage girl friendships - but the accountability shouldn't have all been on Hudson at the end, and I didn't like that.
Her mom didn't care at all about anything that was important to Hudson and made Hudson cancel any plans she had if she needed Hudson for the restaurant. She was so upset Hudson never told her about the ice skating but she'd never let Hudson get a word in edgewise when she tried to talk about anything besides the restaurant. And the lack of appreciation for everything Hudson was doing - like paying the heating bill and paying the baby sitter - as if those are normal things that a 16? 17? year old should be doing or concerned about. It should NOT be up to the children of the house to make sure the bills are paid. The conversations that happened at the end were much needed, but I felt there could have been more instead of Hudson basically taking the fall for everything.

Overall, it was a quick and easy read. I enjoyed the story for the most part, though some parts were a little slow. I did like the fact that the MC had some growth throughout the book and did learn to stand up for herself and what she wanted.