A review by egoubet
When Giraffes Flew by Jeff Weddle, James C. Hamer


Don't let the children's book cover fool you. This is NOT a children's book. When my mom gave it to me for Christmas, I thought "well this is odd, why would my mom get me a collection of children's stories? I mean ok, cool, her friend wrote it, but really?"
Then I set down to read it, my first book of 2016 . . . it took less than one page for me to realize that things were not as they seemed. Maybe the publishers were trying to be ironic? Maybe they missed the point and thought the whole book was really about Giraffes flying?
Whatever was going through their heads, do not be fooled. This is a book for adults. For adults with strong stomachs. It is dark and twisted at times. And I couldn't put it down.