A review by dnietoperafan
The Death House by Sarah Pinborough


DUDE!! This book is amazing!! From start to finish you’re hooked. The way Pinborough writes and describes everything is easy to read but also so easy to picture! I loved it! This book has an amazing suspense plot line mixed up with romance, which to be honest, merges perfectly together. The characters are likable and lovable, some of them might even be relatable depending on your personality, but there’s definitely a character for everyone. Now, why do I gave it a 5-star rating? Easy, after I finished it I cried SO MUCH. I literally had to stop, breathe, and think the ending through. To me, that’s what art is all about: being able to portray your feelings and making someone else feel them as well. This book is just great. Amazing plot line, plot twists, characters, descriptions. Just an incredible read. It is safe to say that this is my favourite novel of all time. Would I recommend it? ABSOLUTELY!!! You must read this book or at least any of Pinborough’s novels. She’s a great author and The Death House is an awesome story.