A review by charitytinnin
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps, Vol. 1: Sinestro's Law by Dave Sharpe, Jordi Tarragona, Tomeu Morey, Robert Venditti, Rafa Sandoval, Jason Wright, Ethan Van Sciver


(Read as Single Issues)
While I've grown to love Hal in Justice League runs and his appearances in other titles, I've been reluctant to pick up an actual Green Lantern title because I don't do space anything (comics, novels, movies, etc.). It's just not my thing. But I knew I needed to try because I do really love that cocky yet sincere test pilot (Hmm ... cocky, sincere, green ... I'm realizing I may have a type.)

And I'm so glad I picked this one up. Clearly, I'm missing information from previous volumes, but I didn't care. This volume sets up the major players and setting without tripping over its own feet with backstory. I do so love Hal. And I'm super intrigued by Soranik now too.

My only complaints? One, clearly Hal won't stay dead. I mean, his name is in the title. And I so wish DC would quit killing him and Wally West off repeatedly and needlessly. Don't get me wrong, I want to keep them even if that means that have to be resurrected again and again, but really ... the writers could just stop killing them off every other month. And two? Lyssa, man, I hope she is dead. Because she is everything I hate in comic women.

Other than that, bring on volume 2!