A review by novelesque_life
Mermaid Inn by Jenny Holiday



First of all, I love that Mermaid Inn is set in Canada, even if it's in the East. The cover first drew me in, but it was the complimentary copy of the second book [b:Paradise Cove|48717760|Paradise Cove|Jenny Holiday|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1574336817l/48717760._SY75_.jpg|74074874], that motivated me to sneak it into my reading stack. I listened to this one on audio and fell in love with the characters and the small tourist town. Eve Abbott is the heroine in this novel, and she has returned to her aunt's inn after her death. She is set upon selling the inn and getting out of Matchmaker Bay as quickly as possible. Sawyer Collins, her reason to get out of dodge, has other ideas. He lost Eve once, and plans to win her over again. It was a sweet romance that reminds me a bit of a Hallmark movie (in a very good way!) and I am excited to read the next book in this contemporary romance series.