A review by chemwitch
Orphan Island by Laurel Snyder



You know that feeling when you read a synopsis and you get SO EXCITED??? Like you just know that this book is The Book because it has every single thing you require in a book and you're going to love it and you're so happy you added it to your TBR at some unknown date? And then you start the book and you slowly feel every hope and dream leave your soul because it is not what was advertised and everything is terrible and you want to die? Yeah, that's this book.

The monologue was entirely necessary to express my hatred for this read. It wasn't just a bad book. It was a bad book that I was so excited to read and I am so bitter about it.

Things that are good:
No romance. I mean, it is a book about children, so you probably could have guessed. But I love books without romance. I do sometimes like romance in my books as well, but there's something so satisfying about reading a book that doesn't have it. I just feel like it's entirely overused and often not well done and I find a special enjoyment out of novels that don't have it.

Magical islands!! You know it, friends. Sorry, I'm awkward. Not deleting it, though. So yeah, I love magic and this book has it. Magical islands? Yes. Yes. Yes. Perfect setting 10/10.

Okay that's enough of that and also the only two positive things I have to say about this book.

Things that are not good, or really, really bad:
THE NARRATOR. I hated her. I read this book ten days ago and already can't remember her name, but she was the worst. She was rude to her friends, whiny, pushy, and constantly needed her own way. She just did whatever she wanted without regard for anyone else. She was supposed to grow out of these things, I guess, at the end but she really... didn't??? She was just annoying the whole time and it was out of control. That's really all I have to say.

The friendships. They're just... not there. We're supposed to understand that these children are friends and have been friends but they don't act like it. At all. Ever. This is probably because the entire book is told from the point of view of the worst character IN the book, but whatever. It really annoyed me because I was looking forward to reading a book about a group of orphan children living on a magical island and we get to see approximately 0 good things about their relationships. They don't really hang out or do much together and when they do it's rarely without some kind of whining or something bad happening. I was so over it by the end.

The magic. Yeah this goes in the good and the bad because I'm a rebel. I love magic (thus the good) but this magic I did not love (thus the bad). I feel like we got the set-up for a big reveal of what was going on, why they were there, who Abigail was, something and then the book just ends. We don't get jack??? I hated the narrator and didn't care at all what happened to her so by the end all I wanted was some kind of reveal on the magic. What was this place? What happened here? ANYTHING? And I get that it's supposed to be an open ending, and I like open endings sometimes, but in this case it just felt lazy.

Tl;dr - This book was terrible and I was annoyed by literally everything about it the entire time I was reading it, and then furious when it ended bc what was that ending. The premise was great but the execution was not there. At all.