A review by nicolepeck
Blackberry Crumble by Josi S. Kilpack


This was another fun addition to this series. I do have a hard time sometimes because things that happen or things the characters do seem so unbelievable and implausible, but I still enjoy reading it. There were times I "got it" before Sadie did and it seemed so obvious to me, that I wanted to shake her so she "got it" too. LOL There was the usual twist from where you think it's heading at the end, but this one wasn't as action-packed as some of the previous ones, had a slightly slower pace. I enjoyed the scenery the author described in Portland, especially as I love that area, although I haven't spent a ton of time downtown. There were some interesting developments with a few of the regular characters that I hope will continue to play out in subsequent books (and from the sneak peek in the back, at least one of those does!).

I do find it interesting that this LDS author has chosen to write things from a broader perspective and, thus, probably for a broader audience. She mentions a glass of wine, a cup of tea, and smoking cigarettes in some of the peripheral characters, while Sadie is religious, but the church she attends doesn't sound to be LDS. It's not a detriment to the book, just something I found interesting in this and the previous books.

The recipes sound yummy again, especially the Loaded Bread Dip. However, this time around there was actually one that I'm pretty sure I won't try - the Bacon Ice Cream. I've actually hard of bacon being used this way a lot recently, but it just doesn't sound appetizing to me!!! LOL If someone makes it for me, I'll try it, but it probably won't be on the top of my list of ones to try from this book. I'll tackle the yummy-sounding muffins and the title recipe first!!

Overall, a fun, light mystery read.