A review by kristi518
Becoming Bea by Leslie Gould


Bea Zook isn't really sure just who she is and where she fits in the community. When she is told the family will be vacationing in Montana and that she must go Bea decides to get a job. She gets a position working for the Millers helping them with their newborn preemie triplets. She is also able to spend more time with Ben Rupp, former classmate and spelling bee rival. Bea realizes her feelings for Ben aren't what they used to be and the two try to work out their past issues. Things stand in their way though and it is unclear if the two will be able to work through their issues. All of this helps Bea discover just who she truly is as she gains experience and confidence in herself.

This was a truly enjoyable book to read. It was easy to get into and stay interested in from beginning to end. I could easily relate to the main character,Bea, and found myself cheering for her and Ben to put their past behind them and be happy together.

I love Leslie's writing style and descriptions. There is a scene where Ben and Bea are in Ben's buggy and go through a lane of trees that is so well written I could easily picture everything in my mind. I felt as if I were there in the buggy with them, seeing everything they were seeing.

I loved this book and the characters so much that I stayed up late to finish it then was sad that it ended. When this happens I know the book has been great. This was the first book of Leslie's that I have read and if definitely won't be the last! I definitely recommend this book to fans of Amish fiction or just someone who likes a nice sweet romance.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion which I have provided.