A review by svreads
The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin


From the very attractive men with British accents to the rescuing of neglected puppies, I feel like Michelle Hodkin really gets me. Really, really gets me.

"Noah Shaw drove girls crazy, and I was already crazy."

Suddenly he crouched down
"What are you-"
In my rush, I hadn't tied my shoelaces.
Noah was now tying them for me. He looked up at me through his dark fringe of lashes and smiled.
The expression on his face melted me completely. I knew I had the goofiest grin plastered on my lips, and I didn't care.
"There," he said as he finished tying the laces on my left shoe. "Now you won't fall."
Too late.

If this is the future of young adult fiction, then I am not willing to give it up just yet. The dialogue in this book was so much better than most YA novels in my opinion. The story wasn't just focused on the relationship between two teenagers, but the larger picture of what their past means for their future. I loved every character in this book, even the ones I hated. Hodkin has done such an amazing job of creating every single character to be both believable and important. But then again I knew I was going to love this woman whether I loved this book or not after reading her bio. "At the age of sixteen, Michelle Hodkin lost the rights to her soul in a poker game with pirates just south of Natchez. Shortly thereafter, she joined an acting troupe and traveled the world performing feats of wonder and mischief...Michelle lives with her three rescued pets and may or may not be a reliable narrator of her own life." Yes please! And the suspense....I was hooked from page 1. But she didn't overdo it or make it cheesy in the slightest. At one point, I thought I had everything figured out, but I was wrong and yet still pleasantly surprised. AND THAT ENDING. OH THAT ENDING. I cannot wait to read the next two books in the series!

Thank you Michelle Hodkin for giving my life purpose now that I'm almost through all ten seasons of Friends on Netflix.