A review by raj_page
I Will Judge You by Your Bookshelf by Grant Snider


While picking up the book, I had the distinctively feel that I'll be reading another book like [b:Book Love|39296114|Book Love|Debbie Tung|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1537722936l/39296114._SX50_.jpg|60874701], a book which is book-themed and which makes you feel cozy.

This book is not exactly like that. It is book theme, yes. But it is not a cozy journey into the life of a bookworm. It is an informative journey into the world of books too. The writer wants to discuss his passion for books with you. He'll discuss his reader/writer blocks, he'll discuss Latin with you, he'll discuss poetry and figure of speeches with you.

The art style is really good too. The only reason that I give this a 4 star instead of a 5 is that it is a bit too informative and sometimes not interesting enough. I sometimes felt it was an information overload. So, I'll advice any prospective reader to not dive into it with false hopes. It is more than a cozy read.

But good read for a book worm.