A review by jazmin
Torment by Lauren Kate


“Loneliness in a crowd of people was the worst kind of loneliness, but she couldn't help it.”

I only started and continued reading this book because of the good reviews it got, but I was not impressed with the first 40% of this book and was about to give up.

Thankfully around 45% in, this book finally started picking up the pace. We meet a lot of new characters and see some old ones, and by the end of the book we have a full cast of characters.

I think my biggest problem with this book was Daniel. He’s just annoying, and at this point, I would prefer that literally any other love interest end up with Luce. I don’t know what it is; the secrets, the lies, but I found myself dreading all scenes with him in it. It’s obvious that he’s the main love interest and that he and Luce will end up together so I really hope his character improves.

Anyways, I love Shelby and Miles and they definitely saved this book!

“Change your hair.”
“Change my hair?”
“Fresh start,” Shelby said. “I’ve dyed mine orange, chopped it off. Hell, once I even shaved it after this jerk really broke my heart.”

Overall: I wasn’t going to read the next book in this series but after that ending, I think I will. We’ll see!