A review by sjlee
Performance: A Red Markets Novel by Caleb Stokes


Performance is a novel set in the Red Markets universe, a setting developed by Caleb Stokes for the tabletop RPG Red Markets. Red Markets is an economic horror game where the players have to struggle to survive in the zombie apocalypse under oppressive economic conditions. I did a review of the Red Markets RPG as well.

Performance is a fictional account of a group of characters within the Red Markets setting. We are introduced to a group of individuals on the day the zombie apocalypse, the Crash, became indisputable, or some point further down the line where they had found a way to manage their survival in the aftermath. A crew gets put together to help perform jobs and survive in the bleak environment.

The writing is fantastic. The first chapter is a jaw dropper and one of the principle reasons it is one is because Stokes does the devastating work of taking the modern horror of contemporary capitalism and poverty and transitions it into the horror of the zombie apocalypse. Just because the world has ended doesn't mean the rent still isn't due. The graphic and harsh descriptive language is incredibly effective in painting a harsh, unforgiving world that our characters operate in.

My one complaint about the book is that it is too short. By the time I reached the climax of the story it really felt like things were just getting going. I think that partially might be a product of the nature of Red Markets. The game is very episodic and so is the work of the crews. This book would have worked well, I think, as a series of jobs with one final culminating task. As it is it feels as though we meet and get invested in the characters and then immediately say goodbye.

I would highly recommend this for any zombie fans, or those who want to learn more about the Red Markets setting. It would also be useful to aspiring horror writers who want to shine a light on the terror of contemporary life.