A review by efrias
Heartbreak You by T.L. Smith


4.2/5-"We may not be perfect, but she is perfect for me."

I love how there´s something important happening all the time, everything just settles perfectly to create an entertaining story with interesting characters and a lot of sexual tension. At the beginning I was mad with Atlas for being mean and toxic, however he realized how wrong he was and Thea made him understand how he could be a better human. Something similar happened with every important character, all of them grew up and even if this book is random and obviously not even close to happen in real life, I could connect with everyone and understand their reasons (exception with Lucy, I hate her with every piece of my soul). As I just said before, the plot was entertaining and sometimes I couldn't stop reading and wondering what was going to happen next. Was this cliché? Yes. Do I look like I care? No.

If you want to read a good and short erotic novel give "Heartbreak Duet" an opportunity.