A review by casseyt
The Clock Keeper by Melissa Delport


This book is a solid good read. And while I was reading it I was all I luuuuuuuuuuuuuuv it forever, but once I finished it I wasn't as sure. I think this is a book where my rating and love thereof is affected by my mood. But I digress.

We're getting the story from the point of view of Clarke; she is on a quest to right a disastrous chain of events set into motion by her sister. And righting that wrong has lead to her doing some questionable things...but she is not alone in that doing of questionable things. The chain of events set into motion by her sister involve a guy -of course it does - and that guy, Fletcher has not dealt with things as well as Clarke [big surprise there].

The story is told in the present with vignettes of the past to fill in details. It's a great way to do show, not tell. But at times the way in which it was used was not for me.

Did I mention that Clarke - well her family - is part of an organisation of seven families tasked with protecting time? I didn't...well okay, now you know. And it was with that part of the story and world building, and all the events that I got all kinds of feelings. See one thing I've learnt from my enjoyment of geeky pop culture is that, time is a "wibbly wobbly thing" and there are just things you don't tamper with.

All in all this is another great read from Melissa Delport, but guys it's just not Guardians of Summerveld. And that's probably going to get in the way of all my reading of her tales - Drake 4eva :)