A review by melissasfandomworld
Another Postcard by Elle Christensen


When coming across this book on Netgalley I was immediately intrigued. I'm a sucker for romance and rockstar romance in particular is an element I always enjoy immensely. So I didn't hesitate a second when requesting this book. The publisher was so kind to approve the book and sent it to me and I'm very thankful. I'm soooo happy this book held up to it's expectations and didn't disappoint me. Let me tell you more about this incredible rockstar romance by Elle Christensen..


Brooklynn is one of the most sought after back up singers in the industry.  When Stone Butterfly is looking for a new one she can’t pass up the opportunity to try out. Right from the start the band is enamored with Brooklynn's singing capability and she's over the moon happy they want her to be a part of their band for the time being. She knows that it is a bad idea to get involved with a band mate even if this is a temporary gig, but the immediate attraction between her and Levi, the lead singer, is extremely intense and hard to ignore. But she's determined to not give in when he keeps asking her out on a date. But the more she pushes him away, the more she finds herself drawn to him and keeping him at a distance becomes nearly impossible.  Can the two of them find a way to a lasting relationship or will all of Brooklynn’s fears push her to run away? A story about finding an unexpected love that's so real it shakes you to the bone, dealing with trauma's from the past which are coming back to haunt in the present and demand for the characters to grow


Damn, did Elle write some amazing characters in this book. Levi, the lead singer of Stone Butterfly will melt your heart and set it on fire.. He's down to earth which I really loved given the fact he's one of the most well known and most successful rockstar singers around the world. You'd normally would expect to find a spoiled brat who expects people to kiss his feet, but he's anything but.. He and his team members of Stone butterfly form the most amazing friendship and I lovedddd reading about them. I love male leads who are not necessarily bad boys and are 'down to earth', still have an amazing bond with their family and are just heart warming and lovable. And Levi is definitely one of those characters. You fall for him, hard.. Take with you the fact that he's also a great singer and a lead singer of a rock band with a bossy and dirty mouth; Yep, I could totally picture this character in my mind, very vividly hehe. So you should definitely make room on your book boyfriend list for Levi because that man......whew....that man is definitely a delicious addition. He is so yummy!

I really liked Brooklynn right from the start. She's made something of herself, despite her traumatic past and the fact she had to take care of her sister so much. She's a great singer/songwriter and knows it and I really like that she owns that recognition. But underneath that bravo she's a traumatized person as well because of the things that happened with her parents in the past and she keeps walking around with these demons. She buried them deep, but falling for Levi and automatically opening up more to him, makes the demons resurface and I liked seeing this side of Brooklynn as well; a bit scared, doubting and hurting inside. I loved how Elle wrote this character.. the way she wrote Brooklynn's feelings and expressions and her development throughout the book were so well developed and it contains such powerful writing. Brooklynn experiences an amazing growth in this book, despite having some major set backs every now and then. She's so strong and in need of a man like Levi at the same time and she just deserves this chance for a beautiful romance.

Aside from Brooklynn and Levi we get to meet Brooklynn's sister for example, who was a great addition to the story. And then there are the other Stony Butterfly members. Each one completely different from the other one but I loved them All, really. This rock band stole my heart. I love their amazing friendship, the way they live as being rock stars and all.. How they face everything together and come out stronger, how they support one another and give each other shit as well when the need arises. You definitely need to meet the Stone Butterfly group ASAP!


The romantic, swoony and sexy scenes between Levi and Brooklynn made me so incredibly happy. Because damn! Who hasn't had a crush on some hot actor/musician/athlete one time or another in their life? And if said crush did/said the things that Levi did/said to Brooklynn ... OMG. So yeah, I was a melting puddle of swoony fangirl a lot of the times while reading this book, lol.

Even though you might think it's insta-love when you start reading, it really isn't. Sure, the main characters have an insaneeee attraction towards one another right from the start but I've experienced such a thing myself in the past as well, so I definitely didn't see it as insta-love but just as a intense first reaction to someone. It doesn't mean you instantly love someone, but you can sure as hell have such an insane attraction from the first moment you set eyes on someone and that's what's happening with Levi and Brooklynn and I liked it, prr.

I really think the whole singing and writing elements in their story helps a lot with their romance development because listening to someone sing, especially in a closed room, can be really intimate and touching and I thought it was really beautifully written in this story.  You definitely feel the romance growing when Levi and Brooklynn spent more time together in the studio and start writing and singing duets together. To me, the build up of this romance was really beautiful and in a nice pace. They start with having this insane attraction to one another but Brooklynn decides to keep Levi at a distance because she's afraid of the consequences if things should go bad between them. But while spending more and more time together with Levi she falls for him and he falls for her, so in a regular pace their romance develops into something much more intense, deep, steady and something worth exploring.


I loved this book so much! This was my first Elle Christensen book and I have fallen completely for her writing and these phenomenal characters.  Levi, Brooklynn and the rest of the characters are so great. You really can’t put the book down until you find out what happens with them.  The mixture of their romance and the little bit of intrigue really gave this rock n roll romance a unique spin.  Elle Christensen has a great way of writing.  No matter who’s point of view you're reading, you truly lose yourself into this story and feel as if you are right there with the characters.  This book is touching, emotional and funny.  If you haven’t read anything by Elle Christensen yet, you need to pick this book up asap.  I guarantee you won’t regret it!! This book brought a smile to my face the whole time reading it, it melted my heart into a puddle of goo and made me fall in love with the characters, the story and the writing. It left me craving for more.

If you like romance stories and especially romance stories with music elements/rock stars, this is THE book you need to buy. I got this book from the publisher through NetGalley but I also bought the physical copy of the book, which is currently on it's way here and I already can't wait to re-read it soon!