A review by way2gosmartguy
Alterations, by Jane Suen


Alterations by Jane Suen was a good book, and I liked the story idea. It is kinda sci-fi, Divergent style story, of mind altering technology. Just reading the synopsis drew me in, and I was dying to read it. However, I had a hard time following it at first. There were a lot of characters, that it bounced around between, and I had difficulty keeping their stories straight. It wasn't until half way through the book I understood they weren't all going to meet, but rather, had 1 character in common. I feel like the second half was rushed, and the story ended abruptly. It should have been longer, building each story more thoroughly, in my opinion. Over all, it was a decent book, earning a 4 star review. I would read another book by this author, because her imagination is amazing, and I like her characters.