A review by shelleyann01
Things Are Looking Up by Maxine Morrey



3.5 Stars

This book was so sweet I thought I'd get a toothache, usually I hate that type of thing BUT this book was cute AND funny so it got me...

It also had a message but NOT the hit you over the head kind. It's simply get your face outta the phone and see what's around you kind.

AND.....When Milly went into the book store and this happened... "I glanced around, enveloped in that peaceful sense of calm you only ever get from a bookshop." ...I knew she was a girl after my own heart.

Add in a sexy ex she has to stay with...well let's just say he's...

So lesson learned and life happily goes on. I liked this one, it was an uplifting, easy read that made me smile....And we can all use as many as we can get right now...also the link for the epilogue was a brilliant treat.

Thank you NetGalley, Maxine Morrey and Boldwood Books for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an impartial review; all opinions are my own.

#ThingsAreLookingUp #NetGalley