A review by caitie95
Dreamwalker by James Oswald


I got this book, not quite as an experiment, but certainly as a wild card. I thought it looked interesting, but hadn't heard anything about it at all. And I can quite happily say I was pleasantly surprised.

The plot follows two protagonists, boys the same age (though one is a dragon), with a few bits with the antagonists as well. Looking back, I would say this book focuses on them growing up, and ending up in the situations which will shape the events in the rest of the series (I think it's supposed to be a quartet).

It was also quite fun to see all the Welsh inspired names (don't know enough to know if they are actual names in the real world or not). Must get round to reading [b:The Rose Cord|23783697|The Rose Cord (The Ballad of Sir Benfro, #2)|James Oswald|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1418402333s/23783697.jpg|23576392] soon!