A review by filthylittlereader
Rifts & Refrains by Devney Perry


Ok, firstly woman rockstar!? Hells yes sign me all the way up.
Secondly, a second chance romance that promises angst, emotion and hopefully the sweetest of heas. Bring it.
Devney Perry definitely delivered.
After a devastating loss brings her back home, Quinn is forced to face all the demons of her past. My heart went out to her because it was not an easy feat when it feels like everyone is against you but her perseverance awed me.
And oh my swooning heart did I love me some Graham. Even when he was hiding behind his cold facade, I was a goner for him. I loved how he cared for his son, I loved his vulnerability and most of all his heart.
Devney Perry you gave me all the feels with this one.