A review by cjdawn236
The City of Zirdai by Maria V. Snyder


I'll confess I may be a little biased, because I just love Maria. I love every one of her books I've read (which I'm woefully behind - there's still 4-5 I need to catch up on). This book was not your typical "second novel" - meaning it didn't feel like it lacked a beginning or ending the way a lot of middle novels do. There was plenty of action and excitement - to be honest, I was actually surprised by just how much happened by the end of the this book (I don't want to give away spoilers, but let's just say some of the events of this book I was sure wouldn't happen until the next book). I'm immediately starting on the third book, because I cannot wait to see what adventure awaits next. If you're a scifi/fantasy fan but haven't yet read any of Maria's books, I cannot recommend them highly enough!