A review by thegeekyblogger
The Perfect Play by Jaci Burton


Bought for Myself (I mean really look at that cover)
Overall Rating: 4.25
Story Rating: 4.25
Character Rating: 4.25
Hotness Rating: Off the CHARTS!

NOTE: Put on your big girl panties before reading because this is one hot, sexy read. I mean seriously sizzling about every other chapter :)

What I Loved: Mick and Tara rocked my socks off (to borrow Ashley's term) as a couple! They truly were sizzling chemistry personified! I think what I liked most was Tara's single parent story. I know plenty of single parent woman that date (or not date as the case may be) just like her. It was a bit refreshing to see a leading lady that rang real and true. I didn't always like her reactions to Mick but it fit with her personality and dating style! I also liked that Mick was flawed, real, down to earth despite his very high profile job!

What I Liked (and why i am immediately reading Changing the Game): The whole entire Riley family ROCKED! I can't even begin to understand how Jaci is going to reform a certain character (no spoilers) but I have no doubt she will. I am excited to see Gavin tamed and hoping the third book is about their sister.

What I would like to see more of (since I have no complaints): Can we get some short stories and/or books for Tara's friends? They were kind of her family and I really liked those ladies!

Why I gave it a 4.25: The Perfect Play was a perfect combination of story, romance, and hotness. The only reason it didn't get a 5 from me is the over use of 2 words I can't stand (c*ck and p*ssy) but honestly that is just a personal thing :) In other words, go out and get the book!