A review by electramourning
A Cat Café Christmas by Codi Gary


I enjoyed A Cat Cafe Christmas!
First, the good: The story is really compelling, the drama of the cafe and the non profit and both Kara and Ben’s backstories keeps the story moving in a way which keeps a reader engaged. The spicy scenes were sweet while still being mostly closed door, which I know some prefer.
I also enjoyed the detailed look at social media marketing, and taking a struggling non profit “in to the black” in such a short time.

Now, what I didn’t care for: I think Ben shows MAJOR red flag behavior at multiple times throughout the book. I don’t think they make it as a couple past the new year, because I don’t think either of them has really put in the work to get themselves where they need to be to accept a new relationship, even though that’s supposedly what this book was all about.

I loved the cats, loved the displays of community and friendship, loved the female led business. The relationship aspect of this book? Eh, take it or leave it!