A review by thereadingwren
The Disasters by M.K. England



This was a quick, easy, and fun read. It was super fast paced and I flew through it - no pun intended. It was thoroughly enjoyable, something every good book should be.

I really enjoyed the crew, especially how diverse everyone was. Bisexual POC MC, Black Queer love interest, trans Doctor, Muslim hacker, panic attack disordered navigator. Everyone was great.

I appreciated Nax and his bisexuality. I admit, at first I was annoyed and a little offended as a bisexual myself. Nax flipped between a male and female love interest every other page and it felt like the stereotypical indecisive bisexual trope. Then I thought “being around attractive people is difficult for bisexuals, we notice everyone’s everything.” So I forgave Nax and enjoyed the ride :)

I do wish there’d been a little more on the relationships. Not just the romantic one but the platonic bonds too. Nax and Zee had the biggest potential for best buds, they had a really cool dynamic. Case and Asra also had this genius female power going on. Poor Rion just got along with everyone.

I found it hilarious that other sci-fi things got a mention. Serenity - aka Firefly. Tau’ri - aka Stargate SG1. I thoroughly enjoyed it though.

Super fun read, lacked depth but still highly entertaining and lighthearted. Such fun.