A review by melodicfate
Silent Orchids: The Age of Alandria-Book One by Morgan Wylie


*I received an ARC of this book, in exchange for an honest review.*

This book was interesting. The synopsis mentioned faeries, and a fantasy realm, so obviously, I was going to give it a try. With a lot of imagination and creativity behind it, this was an easy and intriguing read. It wasn't ever boring, and the characters were good, although not fully fleshed out.

There were really two main characters in this story. First, there was Daegan, a warrior for one of the kingdoms. He was interesting, because he really thought out things, and tried not to take orders blindly. I appreciated that about him. The other main character was Kaeleigh, who was just trying to figure out who she was. As an orphan, she never knew anything about her parents. She was a pretty strong character, although she went back and forth between being strong, and being immature sometimes. Overall, I liked them both, and my favorite parts of this book were scenes with the two of them together. However, I also felt like I really didn't get to know either of them. I know Daegan is a strong and protective warrior, and that Kaeleigh hates to show weakness, but really, that's it. Hopefully in the next book, their characters will be expanded upon.

The two main secondary characters were Kaeleigh's friends, Finn and Chel. I really liked Chel. I thought she was a wonderful best friend, and I could definitely see why she and Kaeleigh were close. Finn, on the other hand, I wasn't too sure about. He seemed strong and like a good protector, but there were other moments when he seemed overly jealous. Also, both he and Chel had secrets hidden from Kaeleigh. Granted, Chel didn't know she had a secret at first, but it was interesting to see the three of them try to remain friends.

The plot of this novel was interesting, if a little slower. Daegan was sent to collect a power known as the Sol-lumieth. This power could change the realm of Alandria, which is the fantastical world where this novel was set. Of course, that mysterious great power had something to do with Kaeleigh, which is how she met Daegan. I was interested in the book, although I didn't finish it as fast as I thought I would. It ends on a cliffhanger, and the twist it ends on was something I guessed at.

All in all, this was an interesting fantasy novel. I was interested to learn more about Kaeleigh and who she was. I really liked the way the author built the world of this novel, and I can honestly say that I have never read about a world like it. I don't feel like I have a total grasp on the world yet, but this is only the first book in the series, so I'm sure that will change. I definitely recommend this story for anyone who wants to read a quick fantasy novel that's partly placed in our world, and that has intriguing main characters.