A review by _mery98_
Joker/Harley: Criminal Sanity (2019-) #2 by Mike Mayhew, Mico Suayan, Francesco Mattina, Kami Garcia, Jason Badower


The issue keeps us off-balance about whether the character we’re following is actually Joker, and pulls the rug under us a few times. You follow a young boy as he’s brutally beaten by his father before eventually fighting back. Anyone who has been abused themselves should be warned about this issue – much like Harleen and the intense depictions of sexual abuse, the depictions of child abuse here are horrifying. Whether this boy evolved into a monster or not, something horrible is lurking in the city and it looks a lot like Jared Leto’s Joker. That’s an odd creative choice and I’m not sure I like it, but the art across the board is stunning.

I think the black-and-white segments are actually stronger, giving this issue the feel of a noir story. I’m not sure I enjoy reading it, but for what it’s going for, it’s doing it very effectively.