A review by oddly
The Pale White by Chad Lutzke


The one thing I know for certain is that I will always need to read more books by Chad Lutzke.

I am still mostly a newbie to his work, as this was my second book. Lutzke isn't afraid to go to dark places and shine light in the cobwebby corners of horror. His stories are original and emotionally driven, making them an intense reading experience you won't soon forget.

This story follows three young girls and what happens after they escape from a man who's been holding them hostage and selling them for sex. I was intrigued by the "what happens next" narrative; rather than giving us a gory and disturbing run-down of how the girls are abused, their trauma is revealed by their actions. It is a sad portrait of the way traumatic events shape people.

Though the story stands alone as is, I did feel that it could easily have been a full-length novel. There were places that the plot could have easily been expanded, and I wanted to get inside their heads more. If I could have spent more time with the characters, I think the book could have offered more catharsis.

But the writing certainly captivated me, and I do love a one-sitting read that pulls me in on every page. I recommend this one.

My thanks to the author for my copy of this one to read and review.