A review by missamandamae
Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolff


Well, I read the thing. Having seen a few of Wolff's media appearances, I have to agree with him on one point - not a lot of this surprised me. Some anecdotes were certainly new, but the overall message is one I'm well familiar with. But this being the *IT* book of the month I had to read it. Coming from a librarian perspective, I have gotten more than a handful of requests from patrons (usually young moms) who say, "I need to catch up on current events for the last three years. What book should I read?" It's a very difficult question to answer, and I try to lead them to signing up for newspaper newsletters. But this book offers a pretty clear timeline of events of the Trump administration thus far (with a distinct bias and POV, of course) that gives someone out of the loop some idea of things to Google.

It was in need of another copyedit, but they had to rush this to print, so I get it. I would appreciate if the author released at least some of the taped conversations to corroborate some of the information in the book, but we're already seeing the fruit of his labors, with me getting push notifications as I finish the book that Bannon is leaving Breitbart.