A review by momentum262
Crewel World by Monica Ferris


This was a fun start to a a new (to me) cozy mystery series. Part of the fun was that it took place in downtown Excelsior, MN in hte 90s, a place where I pretty much grew up and now work nearby. This book also broke the mold of the "typical" cozy mysteries I've been reading lately because first, we got to know the character that was killled for quite a few chapters beforehand (usually in cozy mysteries the person killed is not someone the reader hears a lot about). Second, while the main characters spends the book trying to solve the mystery, it didn't feel like she was this aggressive sleuth who stopped at nothing to solve the crime. Some cozy mysteries, while very fun to read, seem like the main character all but puts her life on hold to solve whatever the newest mystery is. "Crewel World" felt like a natural progressiomn of figuring out the killer.