A review by thomasroche
Hunt at the Well of Eternity by Gabriel Hunt


Minor Potential Spoiler Alert.

Gabriel Hunt, in case you somehow missed it, is a takeoff on Doc Savage, though news stories and comments about this new Hard Case Crime series have been referencing Indiana Jones more often, and fans of Clive Cussler's Dirk Pitt or other pulpy globetrotting pseudo-archaeologist heroes with six-shooters will also recognize the style, and it likely won't fail to please you.

Hunt at the Well of Eternity is a good, entertaining, fast-paced novel introducing readers to the universe and the hero. The interesting thing about the property is that it's set in the modern-day -- thought it feels like the '40s throughout, it's 100% contemporary. Also interesting is that it's a supernatural series, or at least this is a supernatural novel -- in much the same way that Indiana Jones is.

The writing is a bit clunky to start with but once the plot gets going -- which is pretty damn fast -- it clips along at breakneck speed and comes to a satisfying conclusions. None of the twists and turns caught me off-guard, but that's hardly the point here. The hero is likable enough, the overall idea is solid, and with the authors lined up to contribute to the series, it's almost guaranteed to get even better as it goes along. Recommended!