A review by crystal_reading
The Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler


Review copy: E-ARC via Edelweiss

This was a perfect summer book. First, there is the cover. The beach, shells, fun colors and real people that match the characters in the book. The setting worked too. It's summer at the beach albeit a cold beach. I hadn't read a romance for a while either so this was truly a winner.

I have to say, the summary put me off a bit. That description of Christian as an insolent and arrogant bad boy made me roll my eyes a bit and want to skip the book. I think the word mermaid and the cover were the saving grace at that point.

Fortunately, I ignored my concerns and dove in anyway. This book is more than a quick light romance between an innocent young girl and the notorious playboy. Ockler shares a unique story of a young woman finding herself after her world has turned upside-down. Elyse had believed her voice was her future and now she has to figure out who she is without her singing.

Elyse finds her way slowly and painfully. She's is surrounded by many people who are supporting her. I loved meeting the community in Atargatis Cove. Lemon, Elyse's boss and mentor, allows her to have the space and time that she needs. There were many characters that appealed to me. I even appreciated Christian's little brother. He loves the mermaids and even wants to dress up as one. At that point, gender roles and expectations become an issue for Christian and his family.

That's what worked in this book. It isn't simply a romance. It isn't only about a girl physically unable to speak. The story is way more complex than that. This isn't a light and fluffy book though there are moments that had me belly laughing. Readers can expect to find many things to ponder in this lovely novel.

I will be recommending this one to many readers. The Summer of Chasing Mermaids is the first Sarah Ockler book that I've read, but it will not be the last. If you're looking for a romance with some substance, grab yourself a copy this summer, you won't regret it. If you aren't convinced yet, visit a few more of the reviewers on the book tour. http://diversebooktours.com/2015/07/the-summer-of-chasing-mermaids-mini-tour-schedule-sarahockler/