A review by dee2799d
Broken Fortress by Ginn Hale


Is it bad that I like Kahlil's character better than Ravishan's? It has something to do with Kahlil's sass, which Ravishan also has (duh), except Kahlil's is based on a certain wryness/bitterness seeing as how he's been through a lot more shit than Ravishan
Spoilerbarring the fact that Ravishan died ofc and Kahlil didn't

I mean:

Jath'ibaye: I was too busy saving your ass to sleep.
Kahlil: My ass could have taken care of itself. My ass is highly trained.


SpoilerAnd then he finds out that it was Jath'ibaye who killed Ravishan in the first place, so he thinks about it, and he realises that he should feel angry and unsafe, except tbh he just feels embarrassed about it. I mean, it probably has something to do with failing his own lover, but I think it also has to do about, 'Omg, I'm the Kahlil and I got killed by the Rifter because I couldn't obey him, that is so embarrassing, I can't.'
His assurance in himself, his inability to take anything too seriously, his 'I need to rush into action because I'm the Kahlil and they need me!' should really be irritating, but somehow it's not. It's endearing. And tbh, he's pretty damn good at what he does. You know, seeing as how he's all covered with scars (and he used to have much more) and been training for years at Rathal'pesha, I can forgive Kahlil for being cocky. He knows his shit.

So yes, this is not even review at all, just me telling you how much I loved Kahlil. I can't get over it, ok.