A review by ashleigh_genevieve
Can't Beat the Chemistry by Kat Colmer


I knew just by looking at the title and the blurb that this book would be just the type for me i.e a huge sucker for romantic comedies and romantic drama (actually, anything to do with romance)

MJ a smart, overachiever in science wants to become a genetic scientist, however, she is instead chasing her moms dreams of becoming something else. MJ is someone who I can personally relate to, a mixed child with a Chinese and Norwegian background, (breaking the stereotype that Asians are tiger parents because her mom is actually the one with the Norwegian background). And MJ is also a boarder, a weekly one to be exact. As a mixed child and an (ex) border, I can tell you this book holds true to its world. The beginning of the book PERFECTLY described what it's like to have a boy in the house (especially cause I go to an all girls boarding school), every single detail of boarding is true, from the weekend to leaves, to getting home by six, and I praise Kat so much for getting every finer detail right.

I fell in love with Luke while reading his book because behind that façade dead beat drummer vibe, there is a gentle young man who cares and loves his down syndrome sister so much that he does voluntary teaching for special ed kids. His determination and charm is what surprised me so much about his character, yes I had to admit I was expecting a 'bad boy' persona from him, but instead, I get this beautiful loving side of this character.

The chemistry (haha) between MJ and Luke is not obvious at the start, but as the book progresses you can clearly see it's two complete polar opposites trying to bring out the best in each other.

The basic storyline (without me trying to reveal any spoilers) is that Luke is struggling with first-year uni chemistry, so he asks his roommate Theo, who is also MJ's brother if he can have help from MJ. Reluctantly MJ agrees in exchange for drum lessons for her best friend Sandy.

This YA story is by far one of the best because there is so much I can relate in this book, and Kat Colmer's writing is absolutely beautiful. I sped through this book in about two days staying up on school nights to read it!

Ultimately this book is about (trying not to sound cheesy here) finding who you really are and overcoming those fears you have. It's about discovering yourself, what you what in life and choosing that path. Finally, it's about finding love in the most unlikely of places and people and embracing that.
I received an ARC of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.