A review by a_novel_ty
Something Like Love by Christina C. Jones


Soooo...I think this may have been my favorite book in this series...

Something Like Love focuses on Eddie and Astrid. I swear I didn't realize I was craving an Eddie story until I started reading this book. Based on the previous books in this series, you go into Something Like Love knowing that Eddie is bisexual and honestly, I would have been more than happy to read about him and either a girl or a guy. But in this book, you get to see him with Astrid.

Astrid is a yoga instructor, graphic designer and a complete and utter free spirit. Eddie is too, but if you take Eddie's energy and vibe and multiply it by 1000 you get Astrid. Young, open-minded, carefree, centered and all into the chakras and centering of the mind, body, soul and all that jazz.

Something Like Love brought a completely different type of dynamic to this series and to any other romance novel I've read. It was interesting seeing Eddie have to battle the ignorance and insecurities that other people had because of the way he chose to live his life and show his love. Just like in this book, there are people that I know who refuse to believe that a man can be bisexual. To them, if you're a man and you like men, you're gay and that is the beginning and end of it. I really enjoyed watching how Eddie and even Astrid had to navigate and deal with a world that had people in it who was constantly questioning Eddies identity. Its crazy, people see something they don't understand and either automatically reject it or feel the need to interject and try and change that something into something they can process and fit into a box.

One of the things I really love about CCJ's writing that was especially evident in this book is her conversations. They always feel so authentic and natural which is why I feel like it is so easy for me to get invested in these stories and these characters. Because she writes them and their voices in a way that is so easy to understand and relate to. I read these books and I feel like I'm reading a conversation that I've had with my friends or family. Nothing about these characters or their stories ever feels contrived or fake. I read these books and I think, this has happened to someone somewhere before.

I've grown used to not getting multiple books about the same characters for Christina but this is one of the times where I REALLY wish I could get another 250 - 300 pages about these characters and their relationships because I enjoyed it THAT much.

Another winner...and I truly hope that I get to read more. Not just about Eddie and Astrid but also about the other characters that were introduced and mentioned.